Become a Partner

Enjoy the benefit of the best Smart home installers, smart devices, apps, and customer service without having to bother with the complicated world of automation and installation. We offer smart home installation and automation through the connection and coordination of smart devices coupled with the Mobile App.

Customer Support

We provide long-term support and guarantee for your customers. Continuous support of hardware to ensure the long-term use of smart home features.


Marketing Support

We will provide you with marketing materials like catalogs, pictures, videos etc. We can also train your sales and marketing teams on how to market and close a sales deal in the smart home space.


Tools and Technical Support

We will provide you with tools and technical support to your IT teams in order to help you better understand and communicate with customers.

  • Experience

    With our experienced team we provide the best smart home installation services with our smart devices being compatible and syncing seamlessly with our app.

  • Device Maintenance

    Keeping track of our smart devices is part of our value added services for the agreed period of time.

  • Remote Control

    We offer home control via our app locally and remotely

  • Added Value

    As a smart home installation company we add values to companies by introducing our smart devices ecosystem advancing their stand in futuristic technology

  • Simplicity

    With our knowledge and expertise we reduce the complexity of smart home systems and management of devices

What Value do we add?

We are a smart installation, software, and hardware provider, delivering smart services to residential and industrial spaces.

Value driven Services

These are some of the benefits your client/customers get from a home installation.

Power management

Home security

Hazard and Environment

Health and Wellbeing

Intercom and Broadcasting

Improve Kitchen Efficiency


Get started today.

Let's work together.

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